Basic information on alfresco certification are available on below link.

Few tips while preparing for alfresco certification.
If you have friends who are working in alfresco, tell him to prepare list of questions and try to solve those like you are giving exam. Luckily I have few.
As i said in the earlier para, do some practicals on which you are having doubt and don't waste your time on simple things.Read it and leave it if you know that.
Few people might have concern on aikau as its the latest ui framework in alfresco, but believe me it is not the one which you should concentrate.For aikau it will be enough if you are completing tutorials on following link.
The other reason for not concentrating on it is , there are very less questions coming from aikau part.
Regarding how does it feel of being certified, well for me its like getting gold medal in olympics.
Getting alfresco certification is dream of each developer who works in alfresco.Clearing a certification will not be difficult for those who works in alfresco since long time or for those who are conceptually clear.For clearing alfresco certification I was reading alfresco docs and was performing practical things on which i was having doubts.The most difficult things which i faces on clearing the certification is getting the dumps like wise people are getting for java or any other technologies.This was the most difficult things which i faced while preparing for certification.As without dumps , getting a confidence of clearing certification is very difficult.

Few tips while preparing for alfresco certification.
If you have friends who are working in alfresco, tell him to prepare list of questions and try to solve those like you are giving exam. Luckily I have few.
As i said in the earlier para, do some practicals on which you are having doubt and don't waste your time on simple things.Read it and leave it if you know that.
Few people might have concern on aikau as its the latest ui framework in alfresco, but believe me it is not the one which you should concentrate.For aikau it will be enough if you are completing tutorials on following link.
The other reason for not concentrating on it is , there are very less questions coming from aikau part.
Regarding how does it feel of being certified, well for me its like getting gold medal in olympics.